Equipment and techniques

Double Edinburgh Instruments FLSP920 / FSP920 spectrometer setup:

System 1:

UV-vis-NIR spectrometer, capable of measuring steady state and time-resolved emission in the wavelength range 200 – 1700 nm (80 ps – several seconds), containing a Hamamatsu R928P PMT for the 200 – 900 nm range and a Hamamatsu R5509-72 NIR PMT for the 300 – 1700 nm range.

System 2:

NIR-MIR spectrometer, capable of measuring steady state luminescence between 1.5 and 5 μm (InSb detector) and time-resolved emission between 1.2 and 3.1 μm (InAs detector). Both systems can use a 450W xenon lamp as the steady state excitation source, or a Fianium Supercontinuum white light laser (400 – 2000 nm spectrum, 0.1 MHz to 20 MHz repetition rate, > 2W, 100 ps pulses). In addition, CW lasers emitting at 975 nm (400 mW), 800 nm (100 mW), 640nm (100 mW), 447 nm (100 mW), 405 nm (100 mW) and 375 nm (100 mW) are available as steady-state excitation sources. For time resolved measurements, System 1 can use the Supercontinuum white light laser for TCSPC (Time Correlated Single Photon Counting; 80 ps – hundreds of ns), but it also has a pulsed Xe lamp (repetition rate 0.1 – 100 Hz; 60 W, pulse width 1.5 – 2.5 μs) for longer decay times (hundreds of ns to several seconds). In addition, both System 1 and 2 can use a Continuum Surelite I-10 Nd:YAG pumped OPO Plus laser system for time-resolved measurements (decays of a few ns to several seconds; 410 – 2500 nm, 10 Hz repetition rate, 450 mJ @ 1064 nm, plus 532 nm 2nd harmonic, 355 nm 3rd harmonic and 266 nm 4th harmonic options). System 1 can use an integrating sphere for quantum yield measurements. Furthermore, the system is equipped with computer-controlable polarizers for anisotropy measurements. Finally, both systems can use an ARS closed cycle cryostat for emission measurements in the temperature range 4.2 – 325 K.